Hepatitus C
Hepatitus C can be classified as a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD).
This means that it is spread through a number of means, each involving human contact through many bodily fluids.
Some of the ways in which the disease is noted to be transfered is through:
  • Blood Transfusions before 1992
  • Organ Transplants before 1992
  • Sharing Needles
  • Sexual Activities
  • Childbirth
The reason why Blood Transfusions and Organ Transplants before 1992 have a possibility of giving the disease is through the technology of the time not being up to par with the disease.  
The technology was not able to scan the blood throughly enough which led to the inability to see exactly what was in the blood. 
What ended up happening was, people with Hepatitus were donating their organs and blood.  
Since the disease is spread through contact with bodily fluids in many cases, people were given the blood and organs not knowing that it was contaminated, therefore, they themselves got infected with that virus. 

Childbirth is also known to transmit the disease from mother to child, therefore infecting the child from the moment they were born.